Improve Your Software Licence Sale Forecasting
Understanding the Challenges in Forecasting Software Licenses
The process of forecasting software licenses is intricate and often fraught with inefficiencies. At the heart of these challenges is the transformation process – a series of steps that, without the right tools, consume the majority of time and effort in forecasting activities.
This process typically unfolds through a sequence of creating reports, collecting and checking data, and consolidating information for management review.
Such repetitive tasks, reminiscent of the cyclic nature depicted in “The Edge of Tomorrow,” underscore the need for a more efficient approach.

Why Choose Our Solution for Licence Sale Forecasting?

Automates Repetitive Tasks

Instant Recalculations

Addresses Complex Scenarios

Accurate Revenue Forecasting


Efficient and Error-Reduced Process


rapid go-live
The Missing Link in Forecasting
A significant gap in the traditional forecasting process is the delay in recalculations following input from planners. This delay hinders the ability to plan sales and revenues effectively, as the consolidated numbers may not reflect the most current data.
The Importance of Instant Recalculations
- What is so complex in a Software Selling Business Model, that it needs recalculation all the time?
- What are the transformations, which have to be performed to get the Sales and Revenues?
- Why aren’t Sales equal to Revenues?
- Delayed Responses to Changes: A gap exists between the receipt of planner inputs and the updating of consolidated numbers.
- Inefficiency with Complex Data: Excel struggles with instant recalculations beyond a certain complexity or volume of data.
Addressing Complexity with Automation
Our Excel-based tool is designed to automate the cumbersome steps of the forecasting process, from data collection to consolidation. By eliminating manual transformations, our tool not only saves time but also reduces the potential for errors.
This automation extends to the management of complex scenarios inherent in software license sales, such as deferral calculations. Deferrals, essential for accurate revenue forecasting, adjust sales amounts to account for the timing of revenue recognition, a critical aspect often overlooked in manual processes.
Why Choose Our Solution?
- Automates Repetitive Tasks: Eliminates the need for manual data collection, transformation, and consolidation, freeing up valuable time for strategic analysis.
- Instant Recalculations: Provides the capability for real-time recalculations, ensuring forecasts are based on the latest data.
- Addresses Complex Scenarios: Tailored to manage the intricacies of software license sales, including contract variations, renewals, and price adjustments.
- Accurate Revenue Forecasting: Enables precise deferral calculations, ensuring that revenue is accurately forecasted and aligned with accounting standards.
- Error-Reduced Process: Reduces the potential for errors inherent in manual processes, leading to more reliable forecasting.
Learn More About Our Forecasting Solution
For those seeking to improve their software license forecasting process, we invite you to book a demo and explore our template for Software License Forecasting.
Discover how our tool can simplify your forecasting process, providing accurate and timely data for informed decision-making.
Learn More About Our Forecasting Solution