Data Analytics

Case Study: Advanced Analytics on top of a legacy on-prem DWH

In this post we’re going to describe an advanced analytics project we recently delivered for a large international company. The main goal of the project was to improve the management of our client’s retail data by adding an additional advanced analytics platform on top of the existing infrastructure.

Case Study: Advanced Analytics on top of a legacy on-prem DWH Read More »

Advanced Analytics Platform – how to create a dream framework for Python/R

Introduction Advanced Data Analytics and Data Science is a really hot topic right now and it’s something definitely for the future as well. In 2020 the global data science platform market was valued at USD 31.05 billion, and it is expected to reach USD 230.80 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 39.7 % during

Advanced Analytics Platform – how to create a dream framework for Python/R Read More »

How to post G/L records with retroactive data with the help of BI and SCD?

For whom this blogpost is meant for IT professionals who work with data, optionally familiar with BI or Datawarehouse technologies, and may need to create a solution in which they need to create posting files or an interface for accounting /ERP systems from historical data. This article can help them to identify the required actions

How to post G/L records with retroactive data with the help of BI and SCD? Read More »

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